For How Long?

 I still ask myself which I strongly believe is the same in the mind of everybody, we keep saying ‘I love you’ but the benefit of love toward each other is not felt rather benefit of hatred, hatred increase even is getting more than the air we breathe in.
When will all this hatred end? When will real love exist again? When will I mean it if I say It? I truly mean it, when is the killing going to stop? When will leader think more of the masses and the mass think more of the leaders? We say we love each other but greediness, stinginess, selfishness is more known in us all, killing all in the name to acquire other people properties. Betrayal become the talk of the day, God please help us
It remind me to a story of a father who all in the name of money kill his son to have this money when he was caught all he said was ‘I love my children’ and I have to sacrifice one for other to live happily is this real love? This day material thing has taken our heart than the love we preached. Barry White sang ‘Practice what you Preached’ we preached Love but we practices hatred, so if family practice Hatred I wonder what the community will practice and nations toward each other.
 When is all this going to end? For how long is this going to stop? When is my brother going to love truly? My love toward him going to be truly felt? Why can’t we make a change for sincere love among us? Every day I wake up to listen to news and I could hear is killing everywhere, looking around is killing, cheating, backbiting, malice, greediness, compromising above all hatred.
To happily lived, we all need to love each other, to make this world a better place to live, to make the next generation look back and smile on us we must really practices this Love rather by saying it in out mouth, even the religious book said ‘how will you say I love God you don’t see when you don’t love people you see’ which mean for me to prove my love for God must be evidently shown on my neighbor a preacher man said JOY means Jesus, Other, before Yourself. That complete the joy we all looking for, we are looking for peace, joy, security, since we are not giving it out then we should not expect it because what a man so he will reap.more


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