2010 my most happy year when my dad walk me to the alt to meet cannot forget that day, my heart leap for joy as I see the man waiting for me in front of the pastor. Very handsome, charming, with a glowing smile that what that has always make me feel warm wen I know him to that day. Am the luckiest woman my dad whisper to my ear on the red carpet. Everybody smiling at me as I looked both left and right I say within my mind what else do I need more than this? Because everything including the nature were singing to me the best song. Wow! Wish I can turn back the hand of time to that day and the day never end but, nothing is forever. Akinyemi is all every woman will pray for. Everything that make a quality and responsive man he was. Every day I looked back to where we both start the journey of life together all I could now say is am living in a past glory to erase my present pain, then we were Romeo and Juliet, the next Bonnie and Clyde, but now we are cat and Mouse. Kerosene and water.
                It all started on 24 October 2012 when Akinyemi came back from work and saw a friend Bola who came for a visit though Bola wanted to date me back in school then which I disagreed which Akinyemi knew about it when we were in school. I have informed him that Bola want to pay us a visit and should I allow him or not, moreover it will be and opportunity for him to meet him as my husband. He disagreed and I accept and someday after he brought up the issue that we should invite him and I disagreed first but later agreed. Which I invited him to our house for a dinner that by that time my husband will be around by then we can all chat and he will know me and my husband as a friend. After the dinner still on the dining table we all chat laughed later I left Akinyemi and the man together as man to man, and by the time he was going you could read in their action that they have a wonderful time together with me close to my Akinyemi hands to hand I felt happy because I was close to Akinyemi 

      March 8 which was Saturday I went to my in-law house for the week told my husband I will be coming on Sunday, on Saturday my mind was in the house though we are not in good term but want to be around him so I left without letting him know that I was coming home very shocking to see Akinyemi and Bola on our matrimonial bed they are bisexual I couldn’t believe it a man have known for more than 10 years am I dreaming? I still can’t believe that the father of Akindele and Akinwale my Husband Akinyemi is a Bisexual am confused
please people I need your opinion on this issue because I can’t handle it what should I do?


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