Encourage Yourself In The Lord

1Samuel 30: 1-6 talks about how the amalekites came to Ziklag to capture people and take away properties including habitant. David properties and his two wife were taken captive, in the previous chapter it was because of the city that he embark in a journey. Coming back home to see that the city had been burn down and their families had been taken captives oh...... what a great lost very painful. But the people felt furious felt bad only to put the blame on David. They looked at him as the amalekites that has come to take their family and properties captive. immediately let stone him was their next conclusion,  how terrible are human being. Somebody who has travel because of you only to come back that his family has been taken captive along with their families but were not seeing it from that aspect, not think of the stress he has gone through in the course of the journey, what happen to them he was affected as well. I tell you even if human being were the cause of your pain they will never want to take responsibility that human being for us all.
      I love this part 1 Samuel 30:6a "And David encourage himself in the Lord his God"
I tell you if any man even want to encourage is always for their selfish interest but until when you learn how to pick the courage by yourself then you are not ready for your dream. David understand his dream that he was meant to save environment make people happy and he did it by encouraging himself on the Lord.
    Don't be the quitters that never win be the winner that never quit


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