Some of the reasons why God allow a believer to experience hard times in life are:

 👍 TEST OF FAITH: Our faith in God has to be tested and proved, so hard times and difficulties come to a believer to test how true and strong the faith of a believer is in God. (Matt 13:4-7).

 👍 TOOL FOR SPIRITUAL MATURITY: In most cases, God allows difficult times in the life of His people to serve as a means of maturing our faith in Him. (Rom 5:3-5).

 👍 TRUE IDENTIFICATION WITH CHRIST: Challenges, trials and life difficulties can come to the way of the righteous as a mark of identification with our Saviour. (Phil 1:29 ).

 👍 TEST OF OBEDIENCE TO GOD AND HIS WORD: How can we prove to the world that we implicitly obey our God if not in difficult times when we refuse compromise but rather stand upon the Word of God despite suffering. (Heb 11:25,26).

 👍 TEST OF OUR UNDYING LOVE FOR CHRIST: Hard times come to test our love for God and for CHRIST to see whether we shall betray our love to Him because of life challenges or that we shall person persevere choosing to die rather than deny or abandon Him. (Jhn 21:15-16).

 👍 TIMELY REMINDER OF A LIFE WITHOUT HARD TIMES IN ETERNITY WITH GOD: Believers through life difficulties are in constant reminder that this world is not our home, that we should always look up for our home in heaven with CHRIST. (Jhn 14:3).

 👍 SIN : Sin is the harbinger of afflictions and hard times sometimes. WHATEVER GOD PERMITS HE PROVIDES MEANS OF VICTORY FOR HIS PEOPLE! AND YOU WILL BE VICTORIOUS IN JESUS NAME! AMEN! (1Cor. 10:13).


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