How to Dress Well As a Guy (Part 2)

8.Don’t skimp when buying accessories, especially shoes. 

 Often, the difference between looking put-together and looking cheap is in the details. High-quality accessories can make even simple clothes look great.

  • While it may seem feminine, having a variety of shoes will help you dress appropriately for different occasions. Varying shoes day-to-day helps keep your look fresh, and your shoes will last longer. 
  • Sneakers are great for the casual, sporty look. However, try to stay away from wearing athletic sneakers all the time, unless you want to look like a teenager. 
  • Black formal shoes are a must for more formal occasions. While they're expensive, they're a great investment to make, especially if you take care of them. Try not to get formal shoes with a square or too-pointy toe: they won't be classic forever. 
  • Desert boots or chukkas straddle the line between casual and formal, perfect for those nights out on the town when you want to spiff up your wardrobe without going overboard. Go for a nice neutral color like sand, brown, or grey. 
  • If your shoes look cheap or are uncomfortable this can bring down the whole outfit. Badly fitting shoes can also affect your posture and mood, which definitely detracts from your overall presentation. 
  • For formal occasions, always look for a great tie. This can add a lot of style to an ordinary suit.
  •  Be careful of hats and caps, and make sure they are well-made and appropriate. Wearing a cap backwards never looks classy. Also be aware of how a hat will make your hair look if you plan on taking it off. 
  • Wear jewelry sparingly. You don't want to look like Mr. T, or have more jewelry on than any of the ladies in the room, but a nice watch and some cufflinks can definitely help your look. 
9. Be comfortable, but not sloppy.

 If you are uncomfortable, people can tell, and it makes you less attractive. However while it’s comfortable to wear sweatpants, a baggy t-shirt, and running shoes all the time, this makes you look lazy and unkempt.

  • There are plenty of presentable clothes that are also comfortable. Making style as well as comfort a priority when choosing your clothes is very possible. 
  • Tuck in your shirt, unless it’s a t-shirt. You may hate tucking in your shirt, but a tucked-in shirt makes it look like you care about your appearance. Don’t try to hide your gut by keeping your shirt un-tucked--a tucked in shirt actually makes you look thinner. 
  • If clothes are made from a comfortable material but are still uncomfortable, this may be an issue with the fit. 
  • Always plan for the weather. If you’re sweaty or shivering, you won’t look well put-together.

  10. Remember that bad hygiene or posture can ruin even the best outfit.

Always make sure that you are clean, well groomed, and holding yourself up straight.

  • Have a good grooming routine. Smelling bad or looking dirty or sweaty is never attractive. 
  • Don’t wear too much cologne. 
  • Get a haircut that is flattering and up-to-date. A good haircut should complement the shape of your face. A good hair stylist can help you choose one. Make sure your clothes are clean, ironed (if necessary), and in good repair. 
  • Don’t slouch, fidget, or have an overly exaggerated walk. Your clothes will look better if you carry yourself with ease and confidence. 

 11.  Make it a priority to leave your house feeling well-dressed.

You never know who will see you, and you should always strive to make the best impression.

  • One's attire is one of the first things noticed by others, and these first impressions are long-lasting. 
  • You never know when you will run into the person of your dreams, a potential employer, or a local news crew looking to do a story on your life


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