Stay Home Stay Safe: Convid-19 Mitigation

To combat this deadly virus Convid-19 within our communities, everybody and every communities affected must temporary lockdown all businesses and movement within the environment to stop the spread of the virus. People must stay in their homes unless they are part of that critical infrastructure workforce, engage in an outdoor activity, or performing task necessary to the health and safety of themselves or their family, like going to hospital or grocery store

Under the "Stay Home, Stay Safe" order, everyone should:

  • Stay at Home- Do not leave home except for essential tasks such as getting groceries or seeking medical care More
  • If you are our, stay at least 6 feets away from others and avoid any gathering 
  • Wash your hands often and well, especially after being away from home.
  • Do  not touch your face or mouth. especially when out
  • Check on others: Call your loved ones and neighbors who are most at risk and see how they are doing. If the require an essential errand, see how you can help
Under the ""Stay Home, Stay Safe" order you CAN
  • Go to grocery store or pick up take-put food, But limit the number of household members running errand as much as possible
  • Go to pharmacy to pick up a needed prescription.
  • Engage in outdoor activities like walking, hiking, running, and biking
  • Go to hospital or secure any care necessary to address a medical emergency or preserve your health or health of a loved one
  • Fill you car with gas 
Under the "Stay Home, Stay Safe" order you MAY NOT:
  • Leave the home to work unless your employer designated you as a critical infrastructure worker
  • Participate in any public or private gatherings of any number of people outside the people you live with
  • Visit someone in the hospital, nursing home, or other residential care facilities(with limit expectation)
  • Go to the mall or to dine in restaurants

If we must make this Virus go back to daily activities and fun world, we must together make it work by doing this together.
"Stay Home, Stay Safe" 
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