
Showing posts from 2020

Flattening Coronavirus (Convid-19) Curve

The  coronavirus  has officially been declared a “pandemic” by the World Health Organization (WHO). What that means is that it is spreading widely in the world, and countries should increase their efforts to address the situation. Outbreak, epidemic, or pandemic: what is the difference? When talking about a disease, these terms can be confusing. An “ outbreak ” is an increase in the number of people who have a certain disease in a community, or geographic area. For instance, seasonal flu each year. An “ epidemic ” is when that outbreak spreads rapidly to others. A “ pandemic ” is when the infectious agent has spread globally. It often occurs with a new strain of a virus, like this novel coronavirus. When will the coronavirus outbreak end? The current outbreak of coronavirus will end with a vaccine or something known as " herd immunity ." Herd immunity, or community immunity, is when a high percentage of the community becomes immune ...

Social Distancing

Social distancing, also called physical distancing,  is a set of non-pharmaceutical interventions or measures taken to   prevent the spread  of a  contagious disease  by maintaining a physical distance between people and reducing the number of times people come into close contact with each other It typically involves keeping a certain distance from others (the distance specified may differ from time to time and country to country) and avoiding gathering together in large groups   The  World Health Organization  (WHO) suggested the reference to "physical" as an alternative to "social", in keeping with the notion that it is a physical distance which prevents transmission; people can remain socially connected via technology.  To slow down the spread of infectious diseases and avoid overburdening healthcare systems, particularly during a  pandemic , several social distancing measures are used, including the closing of school...

Stay Home Stay Safe: Convid-19 Mitigation

To combat this deadly virus Convid-19 within our communities, everybody and every communities affected must temporary lockdown all businesses and movement within the environment to stop the spread of the virus. People must stay in their homes unless they are part of that critical infrastructure workforce, engage in an outdoor activity, or performing task necessary to the health and safety of themselves or their family, like going to hospital or grocery store Under the "Stay Home, Stay Safe" order, everyone should: Stay at Home- Do not leave home except for essential tasks such as getting groceries or seeking medical care  More If you are our, stay at least 6 feets away from others and avoid any gathering  Wash your hands often and well, especially after being away from home. Do  not touch your face or mouth. especially when out Check on others: Call your loved ones and neighbors who are most at risk and see how they are doing. If the require an essential e...

Coronavirus Convid-19

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus  Read More Symptoms People infected with the COVID-19 virus tends to show some certain symptoms such as fever tiredness dry cough Some other symptoms can be shortness of breath aches and pains sore throat And very few people will report diarrhoea, nausea or a runny nose. And finally resulting to dealt this is a new virus outbreak in the world after Spanish flu in 1918. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. The world as at this moment as recorded more than two million confirmed cases with over one hundred thousand dealt world wide Prevention To prevent infection and to slow transmission of COVID-19, do the ...

Natural Gas

Natural gas (also called fossil gas) is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but commonly including varying amounts of other higher alkanes, and sometimes a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, or helium. It is formed when layers of decomposing plant and animal matter are exposed to intense heat and pressure under the surface of the Earth over millions of years. The energy that the plants originally obtained from the sun is stored in the form of chemical bonds in the gas. Natural gas is a non-renewable hydrocarbon used as a source of energy for heating, cooking, and electricity generation. It is also used as a fuel for vehicles and as a chemical feedstock in the manufacture of plastics and other commercially important organic chemicals. Natural gas has a complicated effect on climate change; it itself is a greenhouse gas, and it releases carbon dioxide when burned. However, natural gas use often supplants coal use,...


Insurance is a means of protection from financial loss. is a form of risk management, primarily used to hedge against the risk of contingent or uncertain loss. an entity which provides insurance is known as insurer, insurance company, insurance carrier or underwriter. A person or entity who buys insurance is known as insured or policyholder. the insurance transaction involves the insured assuming a guaranteed and known relatively small loss in the form of payment to the insurer in exchange for the insurer's promise to compensate the insured in the event of covered loss. The loss may or may not be financial, but it must be reducible to financial terms, and usually involves something in which the insured has an insurable interest established by ownership, possession or pre-existing relationship. The insured receives a contract, called the insurance policy, which details the conditions and circumstances under which the insurer will compensate the insured. The amount of money cha...

'Technology' Power to Financial Freedom (Forex)

Coronavirus has hit the world with more than 2 million cases confirmed, its strong adverse effect on everything, especially from individual economy to nation and globally. thereby allowing some developed countries to spend from their saving for the benefit of their citizen survival.  Many who have to take advantage of social media even before the pandemic are still making their money even with the rise of money scarcity and increase hunger in the third world country. I was with a friend about some years ago who talk to me about  Foreign Exchange  (Forex) he breaks it down that more than $120trillion is free in the Forex market for grabs every day when a trader trade rightly a 24 hours 5 days a week market with many currencies await for trading. whereby all you need is the internet to read the trend of the market and place your order. you don't need all days for this neither do you need to keep watching you trade as it moves in as much you have set your Take Profit ...

Home Relationship

Affection and love in the family is quite nature and must to have elements to promote the harmony and positive growth of the family. It is the deep affection that makes parents inclined to the sacrifices of growing up kids, perform household activities and meet the financial requirements. If the affection factor is absent no one would have lived dedicatedly for the family. The affection obligates parents to take pain of looking after the kids and similarly, kids to love and obey the parents. Constantly nurturing the affection in the family is essential to keep the bond of love between the members of the family strong. It is the unmatched affection that creates the belongingness in the family life. The affection expressed within the family is not benevolence but a commitment. Verbal expressions of affection, quality time spend with the family, gifts, mutual services, affectionate touch etc… are the most advised modes of nurturing the affection in the family between the famil...

Working From Home

Many say will the world be the same again, will things go on as it was before the pandemic outbreak. Many question arises within the mind of employers and employees, many thinking will i still have my job?, everybody having one thought or the other. Yes many things will change, the world will not be the same again and so many thing will give a new turn especially in the job. first of it all many company are still actives even with lockdown, Information Technology has make us to know that every company need to embrace Working from Home with some many platform that will not make any difference from office operation like  Microsoft Teams Conference  , Zoom Video App  and many more app all these application allows file sharing and presentation including board reviewing. all this application has come to stay  and it will be highly accepted because it will enhance the power of working from home. this is a great opportunity for many companies to buy into Working From ...